Professor Brian O'Keeffe's Edward Warner Award - 2004

2004 Professor Brian O'Keefe received the highest award of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the 37th Edward Warner Award, "in recognition of your eminent contribution to the development of international civil aviation, in particular your leading role in the field of air navigation systems."

The Edward Warner Award is named after Dr. Edward Pearson Warner (1894-1958), an American aviation pioneer and educator in aeronautical engineering. He became the first President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization during its provisional status from 1945 to 1947, and continued as President until his retirement in 1957.

The Edward Warner Award consists of a solid gold medal inscribed for the recipient, and a certificate of recognition citing the reasons for the Award.

The photograph above shows Professor O'Keeffe being congratulated by President of the ICAO Council Dr Assad Kotaite at the presentation of the Edward Warner Award. The photos below show both sides of Professor O'Keeffe's medal.


(Photos: Brian O'Keeffe collection)

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