Radio Workshop Rosehill / BC-191 NDB - c.1950s


Technicians at the DCA radio workshops at Rosehill, NSW, probably in the early 1950s, rebuilding wartime American General Electric BC-191/375 radio transmitters, which were used by DCA as NDBs well into the 1960s.

The BC-191 is a 12 volt unit whereas the BC-375 is a 24 volt unit, otherwise they are the same set. The BC-191 was used in early DC-3s, etc. which had 12 volt electrical systems. They were also used in ground and vehicle installations. BC-375s were used in many American transport and bomber aircraft from the Second World War.

After the war there were many of these surplus transmitters available, so DCA acquired some which were mostly modified to make NDBs. The photo below shows two of the modified BC-191 transmitters in use as NDBs.



(Photos: CAHS collection)

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